Ram Chaulagain

Ram is 27 years old and lives in Kathmandu, Nepal with his family. He has completed a bachelor’s degree and is currently not married.

Question: What makes you who you are?

Answer: Intelligence, capability to communicate, consciousness, ability to make moral judgements and a lot of positive leaning emotions… I guess.

Question: Are those traits inherent?

Answer: Not all. Emotions are mainly inherent… Consciousness through culture… Others are through education.

Question: Do you feel like your conception of yourself is stable or does it change?

Answer: It won’t change…In every situation the inner you will remain stagnant…Education changes through additional learnings… Some perceptions of the world might change but most of these will remain stagnant. About emotions… Human emotions are the unpredictable ones…

Question: How does your perception of yourself affect your life?

Answer: In our culture we give a lot of our credit to introspection… If we know who we are then it will help us to deal with the world… We don’t get extremist thoughts… It helps to create balance in our characters.

Question: Is there any thing, event, or situation that would make you not yourself?

Answer: Love obviously… In love… We don’t remain ourselves.

Question: How so?

Answer: We think for one another… Emotional attachments will make you think about a certain situation in a second perception… Thinking in a second perception will influence us somehow. And the unseen 3rd perception about life will come into action. Which is what our culture calls the “third eye” concept.