Nisha Gautam

Nisha is a 17 year old student who lives with her family in Pokhara, Nepal.

Question: What makes you, you?

Answer: For me, we all have come into this world to play a different kind of role. Some of us have more efficiency, and some have less efficiency than others. Being with family and friends, having fun, being loved and cared for by them and battling for my own career. A lot of things should be done by myself, thinking positive and keeping the ways that represent me myself, regardless if things go bad or not. 

Question: How would you define yourself?

Answer: As being a teenager. I define myself as a girl who is focusing on her career and thinks that she can do something to change her society. To stand up by herself and to help the needy. 

I can feel what others feel when I speak to them and they speak to me. I feel good that I have friends with whom I can talk, get more opinions, and get more advice. I also feel nice that sometimes I can give them the best advice and it works out. 

What makes me myself is that I think about improvement, about development, and about changes for the welfare of society. I also want to suggest to teenagers like me that they stay here, in our own country, to build something. If we all did it, then nobody would have to go abroad to earn money and settle down there. Additionally, 25% of the national GDP is covered by remittances. If we start doing something here, if we make a group or a project, we can make lots of improvements.

I really want to change my society because the people living here are narrow-minded. I also encourage women to do something good. It is not all about men; women can also do something. Being in a country where women are not so confident, they cannot express their thoughts and opinions. What I would like to say to them is to do whatever makes you proud and brings positive changes to yourselves. Plus, I also want to develop a positive way of thinking.

On the government side, we do have policies, but they are not utilized in a proper way, and we also have lots of possibilities in tourism, agriculture, and many other things. But we don’t have the capital. This is the problem. For that, youth should be utilized. The government should have more strict policies and laws for the development and improvement of the county; this would give opportunities to the youth. But a majority of Nepalese youths are outside the country. 

Question: It sounds like what makes you, you, is what you want to do for your country. Is that accurate? 

Answer: When I grow up, I would like to make some contribution to society, like giving opportunities to those who are trying to get a job. I want to build up my own foundation where people can learn different types of skills like sewing, tailoring, and being a barista. I want to protect street dogs from rabies and other diseases and protect the environment, which is currently getting worse in today’s world. For that, I would like to reuse and recycle as much as I can. Using our own techniques, tools, and ideas. I also take advice from my seniors.

Question: If you were born in a different country, if you were born in the UK, do you think you would still have a drive to do all of these things? 

Answer: Even if I were born there, I would obviously want to do such work. It is about my role in society. I know that I have to do something. But in my eyes, it would be easier in the UK than here. As they already have more skills, more ideas, more communication skills, more opportunities, and more support within society, I might have been more confident. In the UK, there are wider-minded people. And their rules, their policies, and their disciplines are all different. 

Question: Is there anything else that you would like to say?

Answer: It’s nice to get small details about people from different corners of the world. When you ask me questions, I get more confident, and I will be able to spread my opinions. It’s a nice project. You can learn about the different opinions and ideas of the younger ones and the seniors in different villages, different places, and different countries. It will help to build up more thinking for the development. All the best for you and your team. Thank You!